2015年8月24日 星期一

1.   直接問句-> 疑問詞 + be V/助動詞 + 主詞 …..
2.  間接問局-> 主詞+動詞(主要子句)…. + 疑問詞+主詞+動詞(間接問句)
1.   Who is she? (直問)   Tell me who she is. (間接問句)
2.  Who did you see last night?   Tell me who you saw last night.

1.   What is time? No one can say exactly _____.
a)what it is
b)what is it
c)what it to be
d)what can it

2.  Henry asked Helen ____ Japan next month.
a)whether she will go to
b)whether she would go to
c)whether she is going to
d)whether will she go to

3.  I don’t know _____.
a)who he is
b)who is he
c)who does he
d)who he does

4.  I am not sure _____.
a)whether he will leave tomorrow
b)how old is he
c)where he come from
d)that he is sick or not(not 必有whether)

5.  Do you know ____?
a)what time the movie starts
b)what time starts the movie
c)what time does the movie start (一個疑問詞即可)
d)the movie starts what time

可以yes, no 回答
         Tell = (知道)
Do you  know  + 疑問詞 + 動詞/主詞+動詞
1.   Do you know what happened?
2.  Do you know where she lives?

重點三:不宜用yes, no 回答
Who do you + 猜測V +動詞/主詞+動詞
猜測V:think, suppose, believe, imagine, say, guess
1.   Who do you think I am ?

1.   _____ came to see me?
a)Who you think
b)Do you think who
c)Who do you think
d)Whom do you think

2.  How old  do you think I am ?

練習: (先看答案選項,後看題目)
1.   Let me tell you _______.
a)what my grade is
b)how do I get a poor grade
c)where are you going
d)how to study math

2.  Larry has no idea _____.
a)where can he stay tonight
b)how to finish his homework
c)what does Ms. Chen mean
d)when comes the bus

3.  Those students don’t know ____, so the teacher is very angry.
a)how to spell the word ’pen’
b)how do they spell the word ‘pen’
c)what do they spell the word ‘pen’
d)what to spell the word ‘pen’

4.  I have no idea what ____.
a)did Kevin eat
b)Kevin has eaten
c)should Kevin eat
d)is Kevin going to eat

5.  A glass of milk and some bread are _____ I eat for breakfast every day.

6.  I don’t know _____.
a)who is that man
b)who are you
c)what is he
d)who the man is

7.  Can you tell me ____?
a)when did Tina make the cake
b)when Tina made a cake
c)when does Tina usually make a cake
d)when usually does Tina make a cake

8.  The question is so different that Daniel isn’t sure _____ .
a)how to do it
b)what to do it
c)who to talk
d)who can talk



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