2015年8月13日 星期四

重點1. 倒裝句的形式:正常句:S + V / 倒裝句: V + S
使用時機:否定副詞/Only/介詞片語/So 在句首,則需倒裝!!
使用方法:將be/Aux置於主詞前即可!(若該句沒有be/Aux, 則依人稱時態自行於S前加入do/does/did;若該句為完成式(have+pp),則將have置於S前即可)

重點2. 否定副詞:一出現則該句視同否定句,不需再加not
1.   Never, little, seldom, rarely(極少), scarcely, hardly + 倒裝句
2.  Not until + 倒裝句~ = S + not ….until + S + V=Only When S+V…+倒裝 (直到…)
3.  No sooner + 倒裝 than~~ ….
4.  Not only + 倒裝句 + but(also)~
5.  By no means/In no way/On no account/Under no circumstances + 倒裝句
1.   ____ I left school than it began to rain.
a)No sooner had
b)Sooner had no
c)Had no sooner
d)Sooner no had

2.  Hardly ____ started when I heard a man call my name.
a)did the car
b)had the car
c)the car had
d)the car

3.  Hardly ____ when a quarrel(爭吵) broke out.
a)I had arrived
b)I arrived
c)had I arrived
d)I did arrive

4.  I am sure nobody forgets this rule, but ____ can put it into practice.
b)a few
d)a great many

5.  ____ my father go shopping with my mother.
a)Rarely does
b)Rarely do
c)Rarely has
d)Does rarely

6.  Scarcely ____ the secret.
a)have anyone known
b)has anyone known
c)has anyone understand
d)any knows

7.  他一聽到這個消息就大聲哭了。(中翻英)
a)      In the moment he heard the news, he wept aloud.
b)      He scarcely heard the news than he wept aloud.
c)      Hardly he heard the news than he wept aloud.
d)      No sooner had he heard the news than he wept aloud.

8.  No sooner ____arrived than she started complaining.
a)did he
b)was he
c)had he
d)he had

9.  There was hardly ____ money left in my pocket.

Only + if  (除非;只要…)     S+V, 倒裝句~~
      after (只有後,才…)

1.   ____ can we be sure of making much progress in English.
a)By doing only practice
b)If writing more exercises
c)Having more exercises
d)Only by having more practices

2.  Only after I had reached the supermarket, ____ that I had forgotten to make my purse with me.
a)I had realize
b)I realized
c)I have realized
d)did I realize

3.  Not until the age of forty ____.
a)did she marry
b)she marry
c)she married
d)she did marry

Here/There + becomegostandlielive+N
=Here/There+人稱代名詞 + becomegostandlielives
這樣就不會背錯: Here comes the teacher. = Here he comes.

練習: (習慣他~~~先看答案選項,後看題目)
1.   Hardly ____ arrived when she started complaining.
a)did he
b)was he
c)had he
d)he had

2.  Not until a monkey is mature enough ____ to develop its independence from its mother.
a)it begins
b)does it begin
c)it had began
d)it will begin

3.  Only when comets(彗星)are fairly close to the earth ____.
a)we can see them
b)they begin to grow tails
c)they are lit up
d)can we see them

4.  ____ will Michael accept it.(已倒裝)
a)      Only if it is a high-paying job
b)      If only it is a high-paying job
c)      Only it is a high-paying job.
d)      A high-paying job only if it is.

5.  Under no circumstances ____ in the air-conditioned bus.
a)      passengers are permitted to smoke
b)      are passengers permitted to smoke
c)      are permitted passengers to smoke
d)      where are passengers permitted to smoke

6.  The Empire State Building is quite tall, ____ the World Trade Center.
a)so is too
b)and as is
c)to is so
d)and so is

7.  My brother seldom does his homework in the morning. ____.
a)So does John
b)John is, too
c)John doesn’t either
d)Nor does John

8.  Not until the 1970’s ____ an important topic among nations of the world.
a)      environmental protection became
b)      did environmental protection become
c)      the protection of environmental became
d)      protection became environmental

9.  Rarely ____ unless they are concerned or provoked.
a)      snakes that attack a man
b)      do attack snakes to a man
c)      snake attack a man
d)      do snakes attack a man

10. Only by doing the work themselves ____.
a)      The students able get experience
b)      will the students get experience
c)      the students will to get experience
d)      will the students getting experience



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