2015年9月10日 星期四

重點1:以下V後若有第2V,一律改為To V(不定詞)
advise(勸告), ask(要求), enable(使能), expect(期望), force(迫使), get(使得), help(幫助), oblige(強迫), order(命令), persuade(說服), promise(答應), recommend(建議), teach(), tell(告訴), use(使用), want(想要), warn(警告), wish(希望), afford(足以), agree(同意), decide(決定), desire(想要), determine(決定), fail(未能), hope(希望), learn(學習), manage(使能), plan(計畫), pretend(假裝), refuse(拒絕), swear(發誓)
Ex: Mary decide to go to college after graduating.
Ex: I prefer staying home to going out.
   =I prefer to stay home rather than go out.

重點2: 使役動詞 A. make/let/have  B. get  使要求
S + make      + O + Vrt(主動)/ PP (被動)/adj(狀態)
S + be made(被動 使役PP) + to-V
S + get + O + to V(主動) / PP表被動

重點3: keep, find的句型
S + (keep, find, leave(留下), catch) + O + Ving(主動)/PP(被動)/adj(狀態)

S + {see, hear, feel, watch} + O +Vrt(主動)/Ving(正在)/PP(被動)
S + {be seen, be heard, be watched, be felt}+to Vrt(or Ving)
1.   David helped them (to)solve the problem.
2.  I made them do the exercise.
3.  I watched them dodoing the exercise
4.  Please have the door opened = Please let the door be opened.

重點5: (為了…) 表肯定目的
1.   so as to+Vrt = in order to Vrt = to+Vrt
2.  = so that + S + may(might)+Vrt=in order that+S+may(might+Vrt)
=that +S+may(might)+Vrt
3.  =for the purpose(sake) of + N/Ving = with a view to + N/Ving
=with the view(object)  of + N/Ving = with a eye to  + N/Ving
Ex: He studied hard in order to be a qualified teacher.
=He studied hard so that he might be a qualified teacher.
=He studied hard with a view to being a qualified teacher

重點6:寧願而不願  than/as:可視為對等Conj
Would Vrt + rather than + Vrt
=would rather Vrt + than Vrt
=had better Vrt + rather than + Vrt
=prefer to Vrt + rather than + Vrt
=** prefer Ving to Ving

a)to search for
b)to look for
c)looking  on旁觀
d)searching  for(尋找)

2. I would appreciate _____ back this afternoon.
a)you to call
b)you call
c)your calling
d)you’re calling



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