2015年9月22日 星期二

重點1:語態分為主動語態(Active voice)和被動語態(passive voice)
使用時機:只要S 1.沒有生命 2. 被動作者,
除非 a.大自然現象 b.機械動作(The car runs fast) 否則一律被動

重點2: 主動改被動的方法
  主動語態 …………….S + V + O
  被動語態 …………….S + be PP + by + O (~~~)
She wrote this book. [主動語態]
This book was written by her[被動語態]

重點3: 時態分類:必背
be + pp (簡單式)
未來式被動->will be pp
完成式被動->have been pp
進行式被動-> be being pp
未來完成式被動->will have been pp
1.   主動語態的受詞作被動語態的主詞。
2.  be 動詞按新主詞的人稱、數而變化。be動詞的時式依照主動語態的動詞的時式
3.  be 動詞後來接原來動詞的過去分詞。
4.  利用介係詞by, by 之後用原來主詞的受格形式。

1.   代名詞的格改變
He like the dogs [He為主格]
The dog is liked by him [him 為受格]
代名詞有格的變化,名詞則無。例Mary為主詞,改為被動則為 by Mary
2.  主動語態和被動語態的動詞時態需一致。
  He loves his mother.[love – 現在]
  =His mother is loved by him. [is loved – 現在]

He loved his mother [loved-過去]
=His mother was loved by him.[was loved-過去]

He will love his mother.[will love –未來]
=His will be loved by him.[will be loved – 未來]

He has loved his mother.[has loved-現在完成式]
=His mother has been loved by him.[has been loved-現在完成]

3.  動詞的數改變
(1)    He loves them.
(2)    They are loved by him.
(1)    句中主詞為He, 用現在是第三人稱單數”love”
(2)    主詞為They, 用現在是第三人稱被動語態”are loved”

4.  及物動詞若有直接受詞和間接受詞時,可改為兩種被動。
He teaches us English.
We are taught English by him.
English is taught us by him.
5.  有受詞補語的句子改為被動語態,補語放在動詞後面。(見感官V與使役V用法)
You made him happy.(你使他快樂)
He was made happy by you.
6.  「不及物動詞加介係詞」的句子,可改為被動語態。
They laughed at me (他們嘲笑我)
I was laughed at by them.
A bus ran over a child.(一輛公車輾過一個小孩)
A child was run over by a bus.
其他「不及物動詞+介係詞」如 look over(調查)send for延請 listen to傾聽
7.  疑問句改被動語態時,By whom要放在句首。
Who broke the cup?(誰打破了杯子?)
By whom was the cup broken?
Who invented the gramophone?(誰發明了留聲機)
By whom was the gramophone invented?
8.  主動句用people, they, you, we作主詞而含糊表示人,大家時,改為被動語態,常將by people, bt them等省略。
They speak English in America(人們在美國說英語)
English is spoken in America (by them).
One should keep one’s promise.
One’s promise should be kept.
9.  感官V,使役V改為被動時,要用to來形成不定詞片語,代替原式。
We saw him enter the room.(我們看到他進那房間)
He was seen to enter the room by us.
They made us work very hard.(他們使我們非常辛苦)
We were made to work very hard.
10. 有些動詞以被動語態表主動意義,其後通常不用by, 而用in, at , about, with等介係詞。(見情緒V之用法)
The news has interested me greatly.
I have been greatly interested in the news.
be surprised at (….驚奇)
be satisfied with(滿足)
be pleased with(滿意)

1     I can’t find my cellphone. It must _____ somewhere in this room.
b)be hiding
c)have hidden
d)be hidden

2    A lot of car accidents _______ by careless drivers.
b)are causing
c)are caused
d)have caused
3    ______ the dishes washed by Emily this morning?

4    I don’t have my car today. It’s broken. It _____ right now(現在進行式).
a)has been repaired
b)was being repaired
c)is being repaired
d)is repaired

5    Girl:Why _____ you fined 500 dollars, Ellen? B:I went through a red light.

6    The same mistakes should not _____ again.
b)be made
c)to make

7    Alice is often afraid of talking to others. She _____ be shy.
a)is encouraged to
b) is encouraged not to
c) doesn’t encourage to
d) isn’t encouraged to

8    The big house _____ to Mr. Smith last month.
a)has sold
b)is sold
c)was sold

9    Please tell him that his science report has to _____ before five thirty.
c)be finished

10   The cartoon video tape is very interesting, and it _____ by the kids.
a)has been
b)will see
c)is seeing
d)has been seen




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重點 1 :語態分為主動語態 (Active voice) 和被動語態 (passive voice) 使用時機 : 只要 S 1. 沒有生命 2. 被動作者, 除非 a. 大自然現象 b. 機械動作 (The car runs fast)...


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